Originally Posted by Koir
Asking unrelated questions as to the occupation of people with different views only serves to demonstrate one is insecure as to one's own occupation/point of view.
To respond to the query, I suspect the most common response you should expect to get is "a member of the forum with a different viewpoint and opinion".
I wasn't asking about people's occupation, I asked about their backgrounds. How long in Japan? Have you ever lived in Japan ? Did you come here without a job like me etc....?
The reason I made this thread is because the first stickied thread says 'Graduate from college if you want to live in Japan' and i've read various other patronizing statements to that effect in other threads. So I just thought i'd point out that it wasn't necessary to graduate if you want to live here.
Believe me, I have absolutely no insecurity about my occupation, nor my point of view. Sorry to disappoint you.