First, I removed the pile of complete and total crap that was in the middle of the thread. (I doubt anyone is going to mind, none of it had anything to do with the topic)
Originally Posted by killyoself
Is this related to anything? Dude, give it up.
I didn't leave my country because I was depressed, or lonely, or a total loser. I left because there were no opportunities to be had back home and I had to move to a bigger city.
I don`t think that quote was talking to you, but more to the huge majority of people on here who say "I want to live in Japan!" - I`d say that maybe one out of every hundred actually has a realistic plan or reason. The rest think their life sucks and that the magical land of anime and maid cafes will fix everything.
It may be true that a decently intelligent person with life experience and skills could find themselves a company willing to sponsor if they`re lucky - but a 16 year old who has never worked let alone left their little town? I very very highly doubt this, even if they do manage to graduate high school before heading to Japan.