Originally Posted by killyoself
Yup, I think it was a great idea!!!! He's here, he's working & making money, he's loving it. What's your problem with that?
日本語で私の疑問に答えるのを期待してたけどがっかり 。
I wonder if you actually knew what I wrote. So you are saying its great
to go to Japan with NO PLAN whatsoever, to just rock up and say "GIVE ME A JOB". Seriously, what the hell are you smoking. Surely this can't be sound advice.
Everyday, I turn on the TV and the only thing they talk about is 雇用の受け皿.
Originally Posted by killyoself
Na, do YOU have any idea what the economy is like OUTSIDE of Japan? If you do then you're argument is totally flawed!?
Well I clearly know more than you, since Japan's annualised decline was last published to be -12.1%, that's double digit negative growth, worse than most if not all OECD countries.
Originally Posted by killyoself
No, this is the thing. I'm actually providing real life FACT here. And it's not false hope, it's reality! If you have a dream to come to Japan (like my friend Niall) you can do it!!!!!! Even if you don't have a degree. That's a fact! わかったかね。
Well good for him but don't make it sound like it's a walk in the park. Just having a dream won't do you any good, you need a plan. Can we at least agree on this?
Oh I also know a person with no degree that went and worked for Square Enix as an artist but that guy had talent. I just think this is the exception rather than the rule.
Oh the other question is, would you earn more in your native country.