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(#35 (permalink))
killyoself (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 104
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Tokyo, Japan
03-18-2009, 10:12 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
You are taking a piece of my quote out of context.
Haha, dude, don't talk to me about taking things out of context. You're the one that deleted my first thread and then kinda twisted my words to make me sound like a looser, so please. That being said, let's just forget about all that and try to get on together like adults. I'm sorry for joining the board when I was in a bad mood, that was an error of judgement on my part. But i'm down for putting all that behind us if you are

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
I don't think anyone has said it is IMPOSSIBLE (all caps) to live in work and Japan without a degree. The reason the sticky exists, if you would like a little history, is because for a while we were getting daily threads that went like this.

"I want to go to Japan."

"Get a degree."

"Well, I can't go to college, I just want to go to Japan and live there."

That sticky became the default response. Japan is not a spa or a resort town. Surely there are those that can do without, but it seems to me the easiest way to get in Japan is to get a degree, get a sponsor, and go. You are saying the opposite. I was always under the understanding switching visas in Japan (besides spousal) was a big headache.
Ok, thanks for the history. It makes more sense now. However, i'm pretty sure I have read that you 'can't' go unless you have a college degree, in several posts. I wanted to point out that is wrong. And in my personal opinion, sometimes you have to be spontaneous and just do it, rather than sitting on your butt wishing you could go somewhere.

I'm not saying the opposite, I think it's obviously better to come here with a degree. But I don't think it's necessary to come here with any Japanese experience, as I believe you can pick it up 100x faster, and more naturally, if you learn here, in Japan.

Originally Posted by mishasu View Post
its very very nice for people to crush your dreams.
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