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(#41 (permalink))
killyoself (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 104
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Tokyo, Japan
03-18-2009, 10:32 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
I have already forgotten about your first post.

I would never argue that living in Japan is not the best way to learn Japanese. Spontaneity is great for those that can afford it. "Just do it" is great in commercials, but I agree with kirakira. I would never encourage someone to come here without a plan.

You are saying the opposite. My advice: 1) Get degree 2) Get sponsor 3) Get visa 4) Go to Japan. You are saying 1) Go to Japan 2) Get sponsor 3) Change visa (or at least that is possible, and that many people do it).

If you don't have a degree, then you need something else: JLPT 1 is one thing. Five or ten years experience in a specialized field is another. A particular talent, like french chef or baker would probably be enough. However, in general, these are not things that teenagers or early 20-somethings have. You said your friend is teaching at a business school, and doesn't have a college degree. I assume he has some level of business experience or else I wonder what he could be teaching.
Aaaaah, i'm not saying GO! Do it! I just wanted to point out that it's technically possible.

As for my friend, I don't think he's got much business experience. he just watches too many movies and blagged the job.

Also, the reason I started the 'How old is everyone?' post, is because I didn't realise at first everyone on this forum was like 12. Do now though.

Kids! stay at school and don't do drugs! (or you could end up winning 8 gold medals for your country or becoming president of the United States) You've been warned.

Originally Posted by mishasu View Post
its very very nice for people to crush your dreams.
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