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(#19 (permalink))
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bELyVIS (Offline)
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03-18-2009, 02:43 PM

Originally Posted by solemnclockwork View Post
Ok, seeing how I did take your points seriously, I don't care to much for attitude. You don't know me, you have no idea what I try to plan and I though I made things clear about what I expect going to a new country, while apparently you don't care. You helped and yet you blast me for trying to have a conversation about the plan which is what it is right now and I cannot stress that enough. I came here wanting actual help not to be lambasted, I want to make a serious plan here realistically.

I don't need (for the matter no one does) snide remarks. I need conversation and help on a realistic plan. I posted my thoughts and personality so you could get a look at what type of person I am and better judge my position, not to call me a naive fool. I also have some experience in living in other sates (Illinois, Kentucky, Georgia, Florida, Minnesota, and North Carlina). I really don't know what your problem is. I was really enjoying your posts they where very helpful, then you come and post this.
I'm not saying don't follow your dream, just get your head out of the clouds. I went to Japan for a job only, not for anime, or becoming a Ninja or Samurai. I read all the posts about Japan (like you) but didn't believe the bad ones enough (like you again). While I loved Japan and it's people and culture, I wished I went in more prepared than I was (and I was better than most gaijin I met there).
We are all naive fools when it comes to moving to a foreign country. I've done it 3 times and I always ran into problems I never would have dreamed of. I just want youngsters (I am older than most on here, so most of you are youngsters), to be as prepared as possible without false ideas about a move to a place where most conceptions about it are wrong. I met many people who went back to their home countries crying and hating Japan and the people there because it didn't meet their expectations. I just want to make sure your expectations are realistic. Sorry if you feel I'm picking on you, but you will thank me later when you see what I am saying is true.

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