Originally Posted by killyoself
MMM, i'm dissapointed. I thought you actually read my posts. But after saying in like 7 posts that I work at a university (not in Shinjuku) you've still managed to get it wrong.
uch, whatever. I'm not going to waste my time on this ish if nobody is even reading what i'm saying.
Y'all on some hater ass ish. I bet if I nodded to you guys on the street you'd shy away and pretend I didn't exist cos you're on some foreigner complex type ish. QUIT HATIN!!!!!! Lying scumbags
I have read every post you made. (I do skim over the gangsta stylings, though. If there was something important in there, I might have missed it.)
You said you had a bunch of friends that worked at your University and then your friend who finagled his way into his job at the school in Shinjuku. I am sorry I made the mistake of thinking your university is in Shinjuku. I can't keep up with all the details of your friends' work histories, especially as you won't tell us where they work or what they do.