Thread: Citizenship
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03-19-2009, 03:11 AM

Originally Posted by StangGuy View Post
Here is the actual text of the law for loss of nationallity by a US citizen.

(a) A person who is a national of the United States whether by birth or naturalization, shall lose his nationality by voluntarily performing any of the following acts with the intention of relinquishing United States nationality
The important part. If you nave no intention to relinquish your citizenship, then it will not happen unless you do something extreme - such as actually fighting against the US. And even then, you can usually get out of it by presenting proof you were coerced, etc. That applies even if you go and ask them to remove your citizenship - if you weren`t really intending to lose it forever, then it isn`t really gone.

I have heard of cases where the consulate or embassy refused to aknowledge a citizens renunciation of US citizenship. This has been used by some US/Japanese dual nationals to retain both nationalities. If the person chooses their Japanaese nationality they are supposed to atempt to renounce the other. However, the consulate can reject the renunciation of US citizenship and thus the person is stuck as a Japanese/US dual national.
Right. So you can give up US citizenship in the eyes of Japan, and cease to hold a passport - but the US still considers you a citizen.

It`s sort of like a religion. Even if you stop believing and attending anything - you`re "nonpracticing"... But still are considered to be that religion by others involved in it.

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