Originally Posted by JoshAussie
Iv got a question..
If ts supposed to be so hard to live/work in Japan.. whats with all the Nigerians? I hear they are everywhere..??
I doubt they are all secretly not telling us about the masters they have in the history of literary theory.
Many of them don't even have a high school education, and no doubt more than a few are here illegally. But the majority of them are married to Japanese nationals, so there are no educational/employment qualifications to satisfy.
And they are not "everywhere". You'll find them in Roppongi and a few other places, but that's pretty much it. The ones I've met who weren't hustlers were actually friendly and interesting people. On the other hand, they don't think twice about taking advantage of any situation or opportunity when it comes up. I noticed them cutting up to the front of the line at Suruga Bank (which used to provide Western Union services), and the bank tellers were always too intimidated to tell them to wait their turn.