03-19-2009, 01:22 PM
yz81: Don't get us wrong, we aren't telling you not to go.
We want you to go and enjoy yourself. We're just trying to get all the surprises out of the way so your armed with what to expect and can just kick back and enjoy yourself.
Look at my post asking for advice and see how my iternary changed which it did.
As an example as convient as I find where I'm staying in Shinkuju spitting distance from the station. After the first week I would have been comfortable to have stayed a little farther out for cheaper.
I'll make those adjustments for when I visit next year.
Japan isn't going anywhere and you aren't going to miss any once in a lifetime events.
MMM words "Who wants to see Japan as a poor person" resonated with me and I took them to heart. It's important to have bases covered the first time you make a trip like this especialy in a place like Japan. You want a wide safety net for the first time then you can get creative once your familar.
Last edited by Polar : 03-19-2009 at 01:27 PM.