Originally Posted by MMM
Not every job is for every person. Teaching "sux ass" if you have no interest or desire. If you do, though, it can be one of the most satisfying jobs on the planet.
I don`t really think that anyone is meaning to imply that the
act of teaching is awful. It`s the majority of the workplaces. If you`re in a real school, ie. with JET or independently hired - I`m sure it can be wonderful and fulfilling. I love teaching, but it was the workplace and the others who were in it just for the beer and Japanese girls that made me sick. WAY too many of those working in the eikaiwa joints are the type that are here for some quick cash and a lay... Not everyone, but way too many of them for it to be a comfortable workplace if you don`t follow their ideals.
I worked a total of a year in one because a) I didn`t have my degree yet so didn`t think to try for anything better b) My husband was still in the process of getting his degree so couldn`t work nearly enough to support us, and c) It was a quick and easy job to get. I made more than enough money, but the work environment was absolutely awful. The work itself is what you make of it - but you can`t change the way the others who were here for a year, make the most of it, Japan sucks!!! etc etc crowd...