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bELyVIS (Offline)
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03-19-2009, 04:58 PM

Originally Posted by solemnclockwork View Post
I will say I went over the line. Hence the grammar and spelling mistakes. I'm cool now so no worries on that part.

Well to get back on topic, One area that I should of pointed out in all this is my religious background. I'm Christian, (the post above make me look bad, anger is not your best friend) and I do take part in many church roles. One I'm currently apart of is technology management. What I do is manage the sound board for Sundays and Wednesdays. This relates to above reasons why I would go to Japan; to help out a church(s). Of course if that doesn't happen I will take part in churches in the US, point is regardless where I'm at I'll be in the church in some form. This leads to me having more help then the average person when it comes to people that can help me go/ get settled, I will also have an extra outlet for stress. Japan also in a way could be considered an "Mission field" for me, I have great desire to help the Christians that are there wither I'm in the United states or over there. Also one the reasons why I need to pray/give a lot of consideration about going there.

I really should of given more light to this part of my life, if anyone is confused about this I will offer more of an explanation about it.
You do realize Japan is not a Christian country and most Japanese don't like being converted. I know your heart means well, but it will be a difficult path if you go to Japan for this reason only. (BTW, my official title is "Reverend Doctor" non denominational) Good luck.

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