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(#145 (permalink))
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ShotaMeister (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 36
Join Date: Mar 2009
03-19-2009, 05:55 PM

I always loved watching Pokemon, Yu Yu Hakusho, Dragon Ball, and Gundam Wing on Cartoon Network. Oh, how I miss those good ol' days...then they started pretty much only airing Naruto and One Piece, then just Naruto, and now they don't even have Toonami anymore (or so I've heard). At least there's still Adult Swim and Sci-Fi. >_>

I got hooked on manga by reading Shojo Beat. I still remember when my mom was flipping through the pages of a random issue I'd just bought and saw one of the doki-doki scenes with the little "b-bmp, b-bmp" sound effects and thought they were sex scenes ("PORN?!?!"). I tried explaining it was just portraying the sound of someone's heart pounding, but I couldn't explain the scene in Nana where Nana O. was in the bathtub with her boyfriend smoking a cig.
She wouldn't let me read it for another year or so, until she found out I was still buying it behind her back when she found my secret stash, and now I have a subscription. xD

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