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03-20-2009, 01:33 AM

Originally Posted by killyoself View Post
Don't doubt your info but there must be some other explanation.
It may have very well been a different similar product. I know there are often products that are made by smaller companies that only have small convenience store runs...
It isn`t as if it`s a totally new idea, and what half of kids do when they get a thing of coffee jelly - which is something that has been around forever.

Or, maybe you were really lucky and happened to hit on it during the test runs. I know they put out limited quantities starting in September to check sales and market response, and to get reviews. We got to try a couple back then when said relative sent a box up to the family home... (Otherwise I`d never remember that much detail about when and how a drink came out. It feels sort of cool to be a beta taster.)

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