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(#21 (permalink))
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MissMisa (Offline)
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03-20-2009, 03:09 PM

To be honest I have to agree with Shadow. I spent a day learning Hiragana, and same with Katakana. I forget the odd letter from time to time but that will go as I write more.

It was probably a good experience in game creation to make the game, as for learning kana though, if you haven't done it in 3 months then it's obviously not helping you very much. Hopefully that doesn't come across as too rude as you seem like a decent guy.

Though I do wish you all the best and hope that it helps others too.

@addictedKool : Shadow didn't tell him not to make the game, he wasn't rude and didn't taunt him at all. He was just stating his opinion that it wouldn't have worked for him and it clearly hasn't worked for the maker of the game, that's all.
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