I wasn't sure whether to put this in Art or Fashion or neither, so please move it if it's in the wrong forum.
Anyway, the issue: Kanji Tattoos
It seems as if the only people I see with a kanji tattoo these days have some random symbol their friends may have told them to get because it's design is "cool". I have to question why people do this. The majority of people wearing a kanji tattoo have no idea what it says, let alone the pronunciation of it or the word it represents.
If you're going to get a Japanese tattoo, why not write a meaningful sentence? You're a lot less likely to regret having a line from a poem or song tattoo'd on you than some random nonsense phrase, such as a phrase I noticed in another thread: "The one who carries the sword of darkness."
That sounds like something a weeaboo or otaku would say... or someone who is obsessed with Naruto
So instead of writing something that will look aesthetically pleasing, write something that makes sense or that will describe your character.