Originally Posted by superheel
For God's freakin sake, have you guys seen the damn movie yet? You guys are talking and bragging that the movie is gonna suck because it doesnt look like anything like the anime. Geez. First of all, the movie is not based on DBZ, it's based on the original Dragonball series. So maybe let's wait until the movie is released before we say all these kinds of BS about it. The movie's relation from the anime does not make the movie suck. You see, not all americans like anime, this is hollywood, this is america and they want all americans to watch it.
woooow calm down take a breather ^.6 first of all i knew it was the Dragon Ball Series. But i just had to say i im a fan of DBZ. cause i like throwing random stuff in my comments.

sry if i offended you but i am still intittled to my opinion