Originally Posted by angelico
woooow calm down take a breather ^.6 first of all i knew it was the Dragon Ball Series. But i just had to say i im a fan of DBZ. cause i like throwing random stuff in my comments.  sry if i offended you but i am still intittled to my opinion 
Lol, I'm not really attacking you on that one. You're cool. It's those people up there that judges the movie because of the anime. I just can't stand that. Yes, everyone has the right to express their opinion. But if their opinion is based on biased judging and immaturity, then they should just shut up. I think people never heard of critiquing. Oh well, anyways, you're cool, you did not offend me in any way.
Originally Posted by Excessum
For Devil's sake, did you even read what I wrote before criticizing me?
It's the same thing, I'm not attacking you. But anyways, you judged the movie based on the manga. That really doesnt count in hollywood. As far as I'm concerned the movie is made well, and for me, the movie is a modernized dragonball. Don't you think it will be more kiddy if they have their original costumes? Just look at it this way, the movie has it's own story, and the director made it clear that they will not follow the anime or manga's storyline. It has it's own storyline but it will keep most of the elements and spirit, much like the Resident Evil movies.