Way too serious
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03-22-2009, 07:18 AM
Originally Posted by superheel
It's the same thing, I'm not attacking you. But anyways, you judged the movie based on the manga. That really doesnt count in hollywood. As far as I'm concerned the movie is made well, and for me, the movie is a modernized dragonball. Don't you think it will be more kiddy if they have their original costumes? Just look at it this way, the movie has it's own story, and the director made it clear that they will not follow the anime or manga's storyline. It has it's own storyline but it will keep most of the elements and spirit, much like the Resident Evil movies.
You still don't seam to have read the whole thing, or if you did, then you apparently did not understand what I wrote there... Let me pinpoint it out for you:
Originally Posted by Excessum
"OK", I thought... "Maybe they will, at least, make a good movie on it's own and I will judge it from there. Even if it is loosely related, or completely unrelated to the original story, it still could have some strong points." But the sad part is, that they failed even here.
This movie won't appeal neither to the DB fans, nor the infidels due to both - slaughtering the story and in the same time, expecting the viewers to have certain knowledge of the original story in order to understand a lot of things (happening on the screen). It's just a epic failure altogether.
+ As I also wrote, I would not mind the alterations of the story, but what I do mind is the fact that they introduced new and completely unneeded concepts that are often completely controversial to the real deal.
PS. And in case you missed that too, Yes, I have seen the movie.