Originally Posted by ThirdSight
Wow, never knew that a difference in opinion was considered hate. I'm a pretty hateful guy then. If that's the case, I hate everyone.
You'll find the senseless bickering will cease pretty quick when killyoself takes a chill pill. Wow.
You're the one that asked where 'all this illiterate hate came from' Sounds like an insult as opposed to difference of opinion to me. What exactly do you find illiterate?
I don't need a chill pill, I suggest you down a jar of sleeping pills and wash it down with a bottle of vodka though, do us all a favor and spare us from your sarcastic comments.
Originally Posted by ThirdSight
Before the fire and flames, my point was to restate that it's hard to find good, solid, foundation to live in Japan without much of a BA, at least. It's possible to find yourself in a stable situation in any foreign country without any sort of college degree, but it doesn't happen often enough to be counted as a reliable means to follow.
I kind of does happen often enough to be counted as a reliable means to follow. That's why the majority of foreign people working in Japan don't have a degree. Would I recommend it to the average Japan Forum reader? The answer would be no.