Originally Posted by MMM
Without knowing more details, it is an awful idea. Will you get caught? Yes, eventually. Which can lead to a few days in prison while they sort your stuff out, then a one way ticket home. You may not be able to come back to Japan for 10 years, or maybe permanently. All it would take is for one of your friend's neighbors to mention the "long term guest" to the landlord. He might call the police to check on how many people are living in the apartment...bingo, you have no paperwork...end of the fun and the beginning of your police record.
Ahhhh, I see. I see.
So neighbors in Japan go around telling their landlords about things like this? I mean, when I see someone at my neighbors house, I don't call my landlord and say "there is someone illegally staying at my neighbor's house" I mean, I usually just assume "oh look, maybe someone moved in with my neighbor."
I guess the mentality is different, eh?