Originally Posted by Gamer4Life
really? well for me its really easy to read hiragana. i study so much that it's no problem. and with the spaces added is so much easier and thats suppose to help. i dont understand why its hard for u.
I didn`t say it was
hard to read. I said it was frustrating.
If you only know a small number of words, I`m sure it`s easy. But it`s a whole lot easier to sight read than it is to read by sound. A good example would be to read something letter by letter. I`m sure that in English you`re not sounding out every word you read as you get to it, right? As you become better at reading, you "sight read" words you know without ever giving thought to how you would sound them out.
With Hiragana only sentences, you cannot do this. You have to read it sound by sound and then combine those sounds into a word. This takes three or more times the amount it would take to just read something with Kanji.
Have someone spell a sentence out to you with no pause between each word, and see how natural it feels.