Originally Posted by Gamer4Life
I took japanese for 1 year in college and im starting to feel sorry for the japanese kids when they have to learn this language. I dont understand why they need to have 3 alphabets(hiragana,katakana,and kanji). I think its kind of stupid to have katakana for foreingn words. And Kanji, i think its the worst to learn. Many kanji have the same name which makes them hard to learn.
They should just had stick with Hiragana.
This is just my opinion.
I fail to see why Japanese is a weird language. It can be difficult because it is so different from western languages i have been taking formal lessons for about 4 weeks now and i am not having half of the problems people state they hit when they start. If you have these preconceptions and notions of the language you are not going to do well. I dont find Japanese weird i see as a language that has evolved over time like every language does and the result is what we see today. I knew i was going to have learn all 3 languages so even before i started my lessons i was self studying. I will admit i do get frustrated sometimes but I still dont think of it as weird.
are you still learning or have you given up?