Hi there everyone. o/ Actually I feel kinda stupid for writing a new post like this because there are many many others of same kind, but still. C': OKAY. I'm still pretty new here, but I've noticed that many of this forums ppls are really nice and openminded, and I'm really happy 'bout that. I'm a little shy myself and knowing that everyone won't come to shout at me cheers me up pretty much. 8) Aaaw. What am I babling about, let's get to the thing~
I'm looking for friends. Your age, sex, home country or anything else won't matter, they aren''t important in friendship. But just for you to know, I live in Finland and my motherlanguage is Finnish, so there may be some mistakes in my English. ;___; And yeah, I turn 14 on this weeks thursday but I act like 18 years old. XD I think that this is all I have to say~ Thanks if you managed to read all this crap. C'8
OH. And the most important thing. If you really would like to be in contact with me, ofcurse you can write to me on forum, but I'll give my e-mail too. o/ HERE YOU GO. ------>