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(#117 (permalink))
Thrownaway (Offline)
New to JF
Posts: 14
Join Date: Mar 2009
03-23-2009, 04:44 PM

As an independent observer, I've got to say I think emotions are clouding the arguments of both sides of this topic on every thread discussing it.

Without analyzing the reasons as to why this is (sub-18 demographic influenced by anime culture vs. 'get off my lawn' syndrome), I believe it's pretty reasonable at this point, as several posters seem to have already done, to chalk this emotional argument up as a lost cause.

- You're unlikely to convince the sub-18 demographic of, well, anything. They're DYING to prove people wrong at this point in their lives.

- Their argument (I don't need a degree / screw visas / etc), while clearly not the best idea, is still a course of action that many, many people of many nationalities in many different countries take. Illegal immigration is not exclusive to Japan. Just because it's a bad idea doesn't mean it can't be done.

- The people who follow the above course either will or won't be corrected by society. Odds are against them, but that's their choice. Don't waste your breath elaborating warnings when they've already been extensively detailed.

- It can be done legally without a degree, it's just hard and mostly dependent on serendipity. I did not graduate from high school, but I'm being brought over to Japan on an ex-pat package for my company. Results not typical, as stated previously, but they do occur.

- For all of you who believe customs/immigration is an impenetrable shield, learn to sail a boat. The vast majority of the world's smuggling operations operate on the water, not air, for precisely this reason.

And most importantly:

- 90% of these posters will grow up -- either chronologically or in maturity. They'll never see Japan, because they'll realize there was no real depth to the interest; it was just a fad. The majority of those who do make it will realize it was not what they thought it was. Those who end up actually living there long term won't need years of preparatory hand-holding from the message board.

Is it really worth your time to argue a moot point with a teenager? I guarantee that you will tire first.

There are lots of other topics.
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