I know what im getting myself into by getting the kanji for death put on my body and i know its going to offend people. but death is a part of all of us whether we like it or not and ive witnessed it more times than u can imagine so having it as a part of my body is my way of showing apretiation to the dead. i might sound crazy or stupid or whatever but its what i want. so dont criticize me about it because i know its going to offend people. hell the peace sign tattoo that im gonna get is gonna offend people but i dont care. its wat i like so im gonna get it. im not worried about what people think about me. im not sitting here bashing anybody that has given me a hard time bout this tattoo im just telling you to stop criticizing me. i just wanted to give my input and i told you my views about kanji tattoos and the one i plan to get. i didnt ask you to criticize me. we are all allowed to have our own opinion and views on things and im glad to hear everybodys views on this but im not only getting the symbol for death but the symbol for life and everybody seems to be dismissing that idea. because along with death comes life and vise versa. thank you for your time. oh and by the way, if you read all of this ensanely long post ur crazy because i wouldnt have. but if u do thanks for ur time.