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(#26 (permalink))
AnthraxAttack (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 37
Join Date: Jan 2009
03-23-2009, 07:20 PM

Haha, someone is having trouble with kanji studies? When it comes to kanji, you just have to take it or leave it. Kanji is not going anywhere.

What i found very helpful was to study the kanji's roots, what you will quickly find out is that each kanji is not just a random character with strokes here and there. There are a few base kanji that pretty much all kanji is made out of. Each kanji is a squared abstract picture of something. This 耳 is the drawing of an ear. This 門 is the drawing of an gate. so what is this 聞?

Aha! A ear at a gate, eavesdropping! And what do you do wihle eavsdropping? you hear. If you don't know the pornounciation of the kanji, you will probably remember what to hear in japanese is. You don't need to remember the pornounciation of each and every kanji, you will get far by just reading the picture or of your memory, and not how each kanji is pronunced.
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