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Tsuwabuki (Offline)
石路 美蔓
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Location: Fukuchiyama, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan
03-23-2009, 11:05 PM

Originally Posted by killyoself View Post
Do you not think that's a bit of an exaggeration? I know way more people that have come here with No job, No Japanese language ability, and indeed some with no visa, that have gone on to do big things than people who came here with a job all set-up or on the JET program. But they all have something going for them, or some kind of spark that would allow them to do the same in any other country (However I suspect it would be far more difficult to get a company to sponsor your Visa in America or Europe)
I don't, no. Not only because my experiences personally do not match yours (ie, when I break a rule, I get caught, immediately), but also because yours also do not match those of every other foreigner I know working in Japan. Those that have lied have been caught, those that have overstayed have been arrested, those that have followed the DOs and DON'Ts have led successful lives in Japan for as long as they wanted to do so.

So, I agree with the others, your advocacy, and make no bones about it because your language IS advocacy, that it is a good idea to use risky methods to perhaps, possibly, if the planets have aligned just right, and you're a scrappy enough young fellow, obtain employment in Japan and live successfully for as long as you wish to, is pretty dangerous to the majority of the members on this forum.

Teenagers have their own logic, and you are playing right into it. You have a responsibility to as an adult, as someone who is in a teaching career, and who does have life experience, to be clear that your results are not typical. Or even very likely. I am not saying to crush their dreams, after all, when I was 15, living in Japan WAS my dream. It's just that the dream needs to be tempered with an understanding of the work ethic involved in getting there.
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