Originally Posted by jesselt
Sorry for the double post, but I have a number related question.
Could someone tell me if I am saying these numbers correctly in Hiragana?
3,333,333 = さんびゃくさんじゅうさんまんさんぜんさんびゃくさん さ
3,291,910 = さんびゃくにじゅうきゅうまにちせんきゅうひゃくじゅ う
I'm sure you got it write but you didn't type it properly.
3,333,333 = 三百三十三万(さんびゃくさんじゅうさんまん) 三千 三百三十三(さんぜんさんびゃくさんじゅうさん)
3,291,910 = 三百二十九万(さんびゃくにじゅうきゅうまん) 千九 百十(せんきゅうひゃくじゅう)