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03-24-2009, 03:54 PM

Originally Posted by packetpirate View Post
This has been quite an annoying issue to me for a long time now. I've been listening to Japanese music for about 4-5 years now. Every time I tell people this, they have to ask why I listen to music in a language I don't fully understand yet.

I have to ask... why must I understand a language to like the music?
Why does my taste in music seem weird to people just because it's not in English?
And why can't I simply like something without it coming into question by others just because it's different from what they like?

I faced ridicule in school simply because my music was in another language. Even the majority of the teachers thought it was funny and that I was a strange person. I have to say. It seems as though my taste in music has been questioned more often than my height... (I'm 6'10"... would like to see people's reactions in Japan )

How many of you have these problems at school/work/other places?
my friend oftenly asked me "do you understand the meaning??"
when I say "not really"
my friend say "so how you can like the song??"

and I just don't know what to answer next --
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