Thread: Why So Serious?
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(#21 (permalink))
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Salvanas (Offline)
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03-25-2009, 01:06 AM

Originally Posted by noodle View Post
So wait, being those things doesn't make you immature? What's your definition of being immature?

I'm not going by stupid = immature... If anything, I'm going by stupidity is included in immaturity.
Immaturity doesn't have a... let's say a definition. You can't give a few terms and say "If you've done any of that, then you're immature". The term immature, and what you use it for is subjective to different people, and changes to every situation

Stupidity, as you say, might be included in immaturity. But everything that is stupid, doesn't also make it immature.

For example, swimming in shark infested waters is stupid, but not immature.
While swimming while drunk, shark infested or not, is immature aswell as stupid.

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