03-26-2009, 01:08 AM
The blade on the OP's has a strong tooran temper mark along it's entire length. Shin-gunto swords came with no such temper mark (as they weren't tempered in water, but oil), or they had a false sugu temper mark which was applied with a hard buffer
When I say "lamination", I don't mean "oiled". Laminated steel is that which is made by folding the steel many times during the forging process. Once completed, the metal has a faint wood-grain finish (called "hada" in Japanese).
I don't care much about the fittings, because they say much less than what the blade itself says. Old swords have often had their fittings changed many times over the years for fashion's sake, or for the sake of practicality.
And, as I said before, there is an address tag attached to the sword. These tages were attached to swords when they were stored for safe keeping. No one would bother to put such a tag on a shin-gunto sword.