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(#2 (permalink))
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MissMisa (Offline)
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Join Date: Mar 2008
03-26-2009, 03:11 PM

It is really sad...

But understandable. As a 18 year old female growing up in today's society, I do feel the pressure that many people feel. It's always been the case that people will judge you on your appearance, but it feels really extreme now. It's not my main concern by any stretch, but admittedly it does effect me, even though I know that it's silly to be bothered by things like that. It's hard to be happy with yourself when everything you see is there to 'improve' you.

People often say they don't care how they look/it doesn't effect them etc because they feel ashamed to admit that they have been caught in the 'media trap.' I do think it runs deeper than that, though.

I don't know if I would goes to these lengths to change myself... I think some people believe it is self-indulgent and they are doing it to please men, however there is a serious problem underlying and that normally isn't the case at all in my opinion. I think nowadays there is a constant obsession with perfection, and trying to recreate what they believe is perfect, rather than accepting that nobody is perfect and encouraging people to be happy with that.
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