03-27-2009, 03:41 AM
I personally am all for a lil nip/tuck lol, within reason of course. If you have the money for it and it boosts YOUR OWN self-confindence, then why not? With that said, the most important part of plastic surgery is a sense of self, imo. If you're unhappy with who you are as a person, on the inside, then all the boob jobs/nose realignments/liposuction in the WORLD won't make you happy. You'd be the same miserable person with a new face and body, but still miserable and 15 grand poorer lol.
As far as people changing their "ethnic" look because it makes them more "attractive", beauty is really in the eye of the beholder. In some cultures, being stick thin is the epitome of beauty, while in others it's revolting. It's all relative, no one is really right or wrong, it's just different. But change coming from self-hate is never healthy. I personally think some asiatic features are gorgeous, but I don't have to live in an asian woman's or man's skin, so I can't be the one to make the call on why she/he shoudn't want to change her/himself; I don't know what would annoy me about my appearance, not to mention that what every individual finds attractive is tailor-made. Is it sad that some feel that something that looks totally opposite of themselves is what's beautiful? Yeah it is, everyone has their own hang-ups, but u are what you are, no surgery can change that. But it's their face, not mine.
Everyone has a degree of self-consciousness, and I've always thought it was horribly unfair for one person to judge another, appearance-wise, when they haven't walked a mile in their moccasins. If you're secure enough with yourself as a person, and there's something about your body that's always bothered you, (if your're good for it financially) why should you be made to feel bad about making changes that would make you feel better about yourself? If the risks are worth it for you, than who's business is it but your own?
Love more. Hate less.