Thread: Rent in Tokyo
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(#10 (permalink))
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Sangetsu (Offline)
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03-27-2009, 09:11 AM

Originally Posted by bennettp23 View Post

My numbers are correct and now I feel embarressed, like I was showing off, but sincerely I was not! I only just got my contract and was not sure about exchange rates and cost of rent out there. The salary is a hike in my wages!

I didn't think they would give me that much for accomodation, its a huge Japan company I work for though. I think they place a lot of emphasis on my family being happy and so want to make sure my place is ok.

I have had a quick look online and initially I like the look of Hiroo, what do people think of round there, sounds good for expats (schools etc). Online it looks like what you get for my budget is a 3 bed apartment?

For Rent Residence in Hiroo, Tokyo - Hot Properties | Rental Apartments & Houses |

Thanks for your replies! I'm a little sorry I went about it this way now!

Yes, you should be able to find a good 3 bedroom apartment in your price range. Make sure to keep in mind other expenses, such as monthly maintenance (which can be high, depending on the building), and parking (which will be expensive anywhere in Tokyo).

Remember that move-in costs can often equal 5 months worth of rent, as there are a ridiculous number of deposits which are often required. Many of these deposits will be non-refundable, but keep in mind that with the current housing market being what it is, you might be able to get some of those deposits waived. Make it clear to your agent that you don't want to be ripped off.
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