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(#18 (permalink))
Sukotto (Offline)
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03-28-2009, 12:53 AM

Originally Posted by Sangetsu View Post
I've seen signs at some small businesses in Tokyo saying that they want to hire people on the Working Holiday program, but the hours and pay are not great. Most of these jobs are as wait staff, or bar tenders, and most high schoolers are not old enough to work in these places.

Working Holiday visas are good for 6 months, and are not difficult to obtain in the countries which qualify for them.

The main reason that there is no Working Holiday Visa agreement between America and Japan is because so many people who visit America overstay their visas, often for many years (or forever). America is a strange place, rather than enforce immigration laws, they prefer simply make it more difficult to obtain visas while doing little to nothing to those who overstay. A friend of my gf's went to America on a student visa, it expired 5 or 6 years ago, but she is still living and working in America. You couldn't get away with that in Japan.
So very true, I have a couple friends (not from Japan or any asian country) that came to America on student visas and those expired 5+ years ago and there still here. The work and pay taxes and nobody say's anything. LOL.

I have seen on a few website that there are volunteer opportunities, some in Japan where you can volunteer your time. But the programs cost money since they only provide basic hosing and food. the rest you pay for. Your best bet is to save up the money then come to Japan.
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