Thread: Why So Serious?
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Jaydelart (Offline)
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03-28-2009, 10:51 AM

Originally Posted by packetpirate View Post
Another issue is religion. Christians being the worst of them all. (no offense to anyone, just let me make my point) I see Christians on the news or on the internet telling other people that they will suffer for eternity in a flaming realm of hatred because of simple life choices they make. Why should someone suffer because they like someone of the same gender? Or because they don't believe in a god who has never proven his existence? It is because these people, who force us to conform, want us all to be miserable with them.
I understand where you're coming from, but I can't help but feel a little irked. Let's make it clear, first of all, that I am, in fact, a Christian; a moderate Christian, border lining agnosticism. I am no Bible thumper, and I also find some Christians' behaviors disturbing.

However, frankly speaking... Yes, I do somewhat relate to the concept that sinners will get punished for "committing acts of evil." This concept isn't exclusive to Christianity or to religion; it is integrated into the legal system and even adopted as a way of living: bad decisions equals suffering and/or punishment. Perhaps this logic is too harsh for some people these days? I don't know... but I digress... This isn't about the content of the religion (we don't need another one of those debates), this is about the social tolerance of the religion.

It irks me that Christians get generalized as extremists. It is unfair in that if I were to say that all Muslims are extremists, people would tell me I'm wrong. And, yet, it is somehow different in the case of Christians.

I think part of the issue revolves around the fact that non-believers primarily look at the negative aspects of a religion partly as a way to reinforce their own beliefs -- or lack thereof. No offense.

Last edited by Jaydelart : 03-28-2009 at 10:56 AM.
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