Thread: Miyavi
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(#357 (permalink))
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Pexster (Offline)
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03-29-2009, 05:45 PM

Originally Posted by BusterWolfXII View Post
I'm not sure if this has been said before, but Miyavi is the only man on earth in my opinion that can make dudes looking like chicks badass. Yeah, sure, lots of Japanese artists do it, and that's fine, but Miyavi just takes it to the next level of badass.

I remember this conversation I had with my friend one time:

Me: "Man, Miyavi's freakin' hot!"
Friend: "Miyavi's a know that, right?"
Me: "Yeah. But I don't care. He's damn hot anyway."
*rest of conversation has been censored due to adult content concerning Miyavi*

Yeah. I've already said way too much, but that's what I have to say about Miyavi at the moment.
Hhahahaha Funny conversation, i woud like to hear the rest. ha jk jk

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