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Ohad (Offline)
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What is Japan's additiue to its modern history? - 03-30-2009, 01:42 PM

I hope I do not touch a soft point by mentioning the issues, subjects and historical events further in this post, and offending any Japanese fellow on the board. I am sorry if I am offending anyone in advance.

How does the Japanese education system protray the Empire of Japan? I am especially interested in the way the Japanese expansions, wars and atrocities are presented. For a more specific instance, how does it present the Japanese occupation of the shores of China and the establishing of puppet states? How does it present - if it does - the Nanking Massacare?

How are Emparor Hirohito, Dougles McArthor (and the American occupation of Japan), Hideki Tōjō, the A-Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki presented?

Again, I am very sorry if this post will hurt anyone, and it is very understandable if it will.

Of course, I made a horrible spelling error at the thread's title. Please fix it. Thanks.
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