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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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03-31-2009, 11:49 AM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
Patriotism is a good thing. There is nothing wrong with loving your country and being proud of it... Until you take it too far and start putting other countries down.

You can be positive about your own country without resorting to blatantly insulting others. I`ve never felt uncomfortable around someone who is talking in a good way (even bragging a bit) about things in their own country... But when they drop to insulting another to make their own look better, it gets annoying FAST.

The feeling of hearing "My country is filled with beautiful parks. I miss them. " is completely different than when hearing someone say "This country is disgusting. My country would never let there be so few parks. How horrible. I hate this place."
Or... "I love my country`s food!" vs. "This food is disgusting compared to that where I`m from. They should quit making this crap and make more stuff like where I`m from!"
I wouldn't call longing for the parks in your country "patriotism".

But since patriotism is a broad and ill-defined concept you're not wrong I suppose.

My definition of patriotism and the way I use the concept is synonymous with nationalist sentiment. (I find it an unnecessary concept otherwise.. I can more easily be specific about the things I long for, without making an association to the concept of the nation/state.)

Therefore in my opinion patriotism, while not necessarily a bad thing can not be a good thing if you accept my use of the word. After all nationalism is inherently divisive.

Personally I find that humanism is just as motivating and uplifting.. but without the side effects.
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