Originally Posted by Jizzeez
I got a statement from the card company, telling me that I would be charged for some of the items and that the bulk of the amount would be set aside. I was then charged about 5,000 yen in interest. I'm now wondering how long I can keep the amount set aside and how I pay it off when I have the money. Any ideas? I am not registered for online services. Do I call the company's revolving department again?
You should be able to find on your statement the amount that has been charged for the revolving bit.
As you say "5000 yen in interest" - I am going to guess that it`s not really
interest, but rather that you are paying 5000 a month toward your revolving balance (including interest, of course).
Unless you have a special card, anything that has been placed in your revolving balance will remain in there indefinitely. You will pay so much a month toward it until the balance reaches 0.
You can contact them at a later date if you wish to make a payment to clear the balance more quickly though. You should also be able to change the revolving plan - they usually offer plans like 5000 a month, 10000 a month, 20000 month, etc.