Posts: 869
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: USA
04-01-2009, 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by Miyavifan
@ lizzey.... I'll have to print and put both those on my wall.  along with my printed up pics...
and I love that pic you posted!
Your welcome there is also part 3. Ah thank you MiyaviFan ^_^
A Parents Guide To J-rock Part 3
1] Don't ever ever ever mock the Japanese language, especially if you don't even know what spoken Japanese sounds like. Hint: "hing wong wu bong" isn't it.
2] Parents.... expect your child to ask for a regions free DVD player, and provide one quickly...... they are slowly dying on the inside without one.
3] If your child holds random dates sacred and randomly bakes cakes or does odd things like fireworks don't worry, it’s just their favorite’s birthday/hide or Kami’s death anniversary
4] If your child says that the music is mild or soft rock, do NOT question them, no matter how ‘loud’ it may seem to you.
5] If your child screams the word "fan service" and becomes overwhelmed with uncontrollable giggling, DO NOT LOOK at what they were watching. You may be scarred for life.
6] If your child starts to wear a scarf/bandana/or any other piece of fabric around their nose all the time, don't be alarmed. They have not joined some sort of terrorist group; they just idolize a certain bassist.
7] If you suddenly walk in on them doing strange dances in the middle of their room, do not be alarmed. They've most likely been watching Gackt, Gazette or Psycho Le Cemu
8] If you ever say the words "pistachio", and/or "vanilla" and they burst into laughter, do not ask… It’s for your own safety.
9] If they've ever been singing so loud you have to go in their room, ask what they are singing, and ask them what it's about and they go "Uh, uhmm...yeah...ummm....uhhh....a yeah....errrr" walk out before they tell you.
10] If they suddenly become a ball of laughter upon seeing a stuffed swan/goose- please don't ask- you WILL be scarred for life.
11] If you find your children wanting to get a white sweater like a man named 'Gara' and they say "It looked good on him!! WHY CAN'T I GET ONE?!" even though they always dress in black and/or will probably spill something on it, just get it! They may go into a severe state of depression if they don’t get it
12] Do not question them when they say the 20th of November is New Years. They will glare at you till you DIE
13] If your child creates an addiction for lollipop, just give them all the lollipops they want. You can blame someone call 'Maya' if you want to, but, please, GIVE THEM the lollipops.
14] If your child seems to be having sudden random seizures, before taking them to a doctor, make sure they are not just imitating Gackt's dancing.
15] do not insult Gackt’s dancing that’s the way he choreographed it and your child loves it
16] If they can't stop giggling when they see not as them why SHE is so funny
it will cause them to lose the ability to breath
18] Don't confuse hide and HYDE or the same fate will befallen you.
19] Plushies are not stuffed animals and must be treated with respect. Also, there is no such thing as "Too many plushies."
20] Never question your child's love of men wearing strips of cloth over their noses. Bodily harm will result.
21] When your girl goes to the men's fragrance counter asking for a sample of Platinum Egoiste, she's not getting it for a boyfriend, she just wants to sample Eau du Gackt [or have her Gackt plushie smell like- well- Gackt].
22] There are to be NO interruptions during Moonchild, Oresama, or any J-Rock concert DVD or PV- the trash can wait- trust me, your life may depend on it.
23] If your child spends more time working on fan fics than actual schoolwork, be glad they are expressing their creativity.
24] THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS JROCK ANONYMOUS! J-Rock is for LIFE and the addiction is permanent and thriving- accept it, deal with it, learn to love it!
25] Do not be shocked when they bring home a boyfriend who is just as obsessed
more people than your child are addicts, and they tend to have their own secret community's
26] Articles of clothing will be dubbed with the name of J-Rockers who wear similar items.
27] When in doubt, assume male.
28] Your child now lives, breathes, and eats J-Rock- feed them lots of Kimshi and Soba and cookies and they will be happy!
29] If your child has enough money to go out of town for an extended period of time for "one of their mumbo-jumbo concerts with all the man-girls", DO NOT TRY TO STOP THEM. You will be minus a head if you do. And do not say what I just typed in quotes to them or you will never have children again.
30] If they pass out at the mention of the name "Cindy," don't call 911, just comfort her and NEVER MENTION THAT NAME AGAIN!!
31] Don't ever assume any of your child's favorite artists are gay. Yes, they're prettier than you. But that doesn’t make them homosexual. Deal with it.
32] You don't need to remind your child not to ever, go out in public dressed like Mana or Miyavi. She already knows that she couldn't look that good in that skirt or wear a hat at such a precarious angle.