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Eastsr - 04-02-2009, 07:04 AM

Originally Posted by SHAD0W View Post
Now I know Japan is mainly a buddist/shinto-ist country, but I was wondering (since you guys have christmas) if you celebrate Easter too?

For most people in England, the best way to celebrate Easter is to exchange gifts of chocolate eggs (or the "Easter Bunny" will "deliver" them while you sleep) because the egg symbolises new life and also represents the boulder that Jesus moved out of the way once he came back to life.

These chocolate eggs are usually hollow, and usually contain sweets (candy), more chocolate or even small toys inside.

Also, If you're not in Japan, how is Easter (if at all) celebrated in your country?

Happy Easter Everyone!
as anything else there are many interpretation of why you do celebrate and how you celebrate an special holyday. Easter is a Christian celebration of Jesus. having said that, your eggs represent life or reproduction. it's from them where chickens are born. the bunnies represent life or reproduction. Easter is celebrated on Spring which is the mating season or reproduction.
the candy, chocolates,dying or coloring eggs, egg hunting is commercialized to gaing profit, but it is fun!!!! for the family, specieli for those whom don't want nothing to do with Christ. even on Christ-mas.
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