Seeking Toro Nagashi Answers -
04-03-2009, 10:18 PM
Hello, Mai,
I too seek information on Toro Nagashi in the States. Have you found any satisfactory answers? I find "Chinese" and "Japanese" paper lanterns at Pier 1, World Bazaar, and Michael's craft store. But I do not find a raft or boat I can float the lantern on.
I see there is a You Tube of the Lantern Floating Ceremony in Hawaii. These look like lanterns and pontoons that can be easily made from simple materials. I have contacted the foundation responsible for the Lantern Floating. I have asked them to share the plan for their lantern and pontoon with me. I can pass on this information, if and when I receive it.
Good luck in your search. Best wishes for peace and joy in your life,