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JF Ossan
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04-04-2009, 05:16 AM

Originally Posted by Shikan View Post
One of the most interesting things that I've learned from the book I mentioned earlier is just how deep-rooted cultural differences can be. Always looking for things to "make sense" is a very Western way of thinking. The nature of Zen is that it doesn't make any sense, and yet it makes perfect sense, right? I haven't studied Eastern religion outside of the mythologies, so I could be wrong.

By the way, that book is called The Unspoken Way by Michihiro Matsumoto in case anyone is interested.
This is an interesting way of thinking, but I think it is accurate in many ways.

Like Bruce Lee said, you can be a stone, or you can be water. As strong as a stone is, it can break. But water flows.

There are two kinds of gaijin in Japan: stones and water. How you live your life there determines how you can live.

Many short-term (i.e. three years or less) protect the stone. They keep it from breaking. It is the water-style...where you let go (even just a little) that allows for a better acceptance. This doesn't mean they "understand" everything that is going on, but at least they can accept the fact they don't understand and go with the flow, and are willing to look a little silly at the end for the sake of mind-expansion.
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