I'm sure it's more then they say it is.
Originally Posted by alanX
There will be no need. If anyone attacks us, then Obama will just be like "Ehh, it's okay, we don't need to retaliate. We'll just let all the other nations just walk all over us."
Another reason why I'm scared.
What makes you say that?
Originally Posted by alanX
Will Obama really start a draft?
I'd gladly go to prison before I go to war.
You nag Obama and assume he won't retaliate if America was attacked when you don't even have the guts to defend your country? I'm not American born and I'm no patriot but the irony in your words is hilarious.
Originally Posted by Jaydelart
... But I understand what you're saying: Complacency is basically an invitation for evildoers to do as they please.
But immediately jumping into attack mode before the accused proves you right, makes you the evildoer. It's important to be prepared but jumping without being pushed, in the world is politics, is naive.