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(#39 (permalink))
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Jaydelart (Offline)
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04-05-2009, 08:51 AM

Originally Posted by JoshAussie View Post
Its because Kim Jong Il is dying and he wants to destroy America before he dies so the NK's remember him as their ultimate saviour.

NK hates America, Doesnt anybody watch "Dont tell my mother im in:" ??

People taking their kids to gun ranges so their kids can learn how to shoot incase the Americans invade. Believing that American propaganda has brainwashed the other nations. Not to mention that festival thing where they all run at fullsize cardboard figures of "Americans" and beat it with a stick.. But thats just not fun enough so they turned it into a relay race, that way everybody gets a shot.
Don't overlook the fact that some North Koreans want to escape their country. There are some sad stories of families seperated or killed in their desperate attempts to reach the South.

The way I see it, the Korean Wars aren't over yet. The DMZ is a good example of why.
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