Originally Posted by Kenpachi11
i still dont know...i still think the tungsten will burn..tungsten is also a really good heat conducter.
Tungsten will not burn, because the heat shields on space shuttles are made of tungsten. Basically it is you vs. NASA scientists on this one.
Many of you need to relax. North Korea -- even when Kim's ego is on top -- is not so stupid that they would attack and western country and it allies, or any former communist country. There are several reasons for this. First of they lack of resource, regualr missiles or or a nuke or two wont get them anywhere. If they were to stand a chance, they would have to send a barrage of nukes that they don't have. And the second and most important reason, they have nothing to gain from it. They would not be able to sustain a occupation force in any country long enough to gain anything. The world would also boycott North korea if they were to attack someone.
Many of you people should take what they say on The Republicans Show on The Redneck Channel with a grain of salt. Obama would not sit down and see his country get destroyed.