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(#175 (permalink))
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Corvin (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 38
Join Date: Apr 2008
04-05-2009, 01:28 PM

1.I speak English. Probably. My English is poor, but I must because I'm living in the UK. I can speak just with foreigners. They speak clearly and slow. Generally I don't unterstand Britons. I hate to speak (use) English, but I must. ;p It's not for me. But I like English as a language.
From 12-15 May I'm going back and I hope I will never ever have an occasion to speak English. English is my biggest lose. ;p
2.I speak german a little. I was lazy in school, so I'm very weak, but it's the only one non-slavic (in these speeches i can be good, I think, I'm slavic so... ;p ) in which I can be good. Some day, I'll try to learn and defeat the book. ;p It's good to know at least 1 foreign language. ;p
3.I know the basics of Latin.

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