Originally Posted by solemnclockwork
did you actually listened to it? Cause if you did you can not set here and write that you didn't misconstrue anything. Like the transcript has said talking about Liberalism He even says liberalism, which is what Obama stands for.Saying that Obama fails and What he stands for are two completely different things.
Why do we need to interpret 4 words that came from Rush's mouth. He didn't say I hope liberalism fails he said he hopes Obama fails. He couldn't have said it any more simpler, and it's why he has gotten a lot of criticism over this remark. It is time to erase the lines and all work together to make the country strong again, no matter what side of the fence you are on.
Originally Posted by solemnclockwork
Since 2002, the Pentagon has released about 520 detainees to their home countries or counties that agreed to take them. Some have been released in full by those countries while others are still being held. It's not my fault newspaper don't report everything. He said it would never work, and has since never said he was wrong. It matters on the first surge, which he is just copying bush on tactics that may not work in Afghanistan.It sure does have something to do with what where talking about seeing how I was the one who brought it up, and you said this
I don't know what surge you are talking about, but imprisoning and torturing our enemies is not the type of behavior that gets them to back down.
Watch also this
Please, tell us with how we are torturing, unless you actually provide proof of "other" torture you cannot make that claim. What techniques are we using besides water boarding? Do you actually know they know nothing, what about those who actually gave information? they don't want to kill us because were "mean" to them, they want to kill us because where westerners. Also you don't allow enemy combatants out when a war is still going on, regardless of what you do to them there going to go back and try to kill someone else on your side.
You also don't hold people without trial indefinately without trial and use torture to get information from them. To do so goes against everything that is American.
Originally Posted by solemnclockwork
Please, do tell what wars besides Granada that Reagan has put us through on "war on drugs".